Dworkin is a live wallpaper that draws intricate procedurally generated shapes that form unique pattern each time. Pattern gradually reveals itself as shapes are drawn on the screen.Has wide variety of options for customization of pattern generation, colors, materials, and effects.Each option can be set to random (button with dice icon), that means random value is selected every time new pattern is drawn.Variety of pattern types:- Flowing leaves- Mazes- Floral swirls *- Vines *- Circuit boards *Each pattern type is highly customizeable by a set of options.Wide selection of materials:- Solid color- Paper *- Leather *- Fabric *- Stucco *- Wood (painted or not) *- Metal (smooth, brushed, or bumpy) *Diverse optional effects*:- Outline- Shadow- Bevel- Glow- Ink/chalkMaterials and colors of both foreground and background can be set independently.One or both colors can be set to random, in this case color harmonies are used to generate pleasing color combinations.Features presets for all settings, and separately - for appearance (foreground and background materials + effect).Plenty of built-in presets, with ability to add user presets.New pattern starts drawing after certain amount of time has passed (defined by user).Drawing of next pattern can also be initiated by double tap on the screen.* available as in-app purchaseThe wallpaper is named after character of "The Chronicles of Amber", Dworkin, who was the creator of the Pattern.